Podcast - Pygmalion's Art Cabinet

Serie interviews with various guests

Pygmalion's Art Cabinet

Podcast serie with Jaap Versteegh of Pygmalion Art

Episode 1 -Jop Ubbens , Ubbens Art and former director of Christie's Amsterdam

Episode 2 - Marcel Fleury, owner and director of framer GehringHeijdenrijk

Episode 3 - Gary Schwartz, Rembrandt expert

Episode 4 - Barbara de Clercq, sculptress

Episode 5 - Hans van Dam, Van Dam restauraties, restaurator paintings

Episode 6 - Henk van Houten,  collector 16th - 17th century works on paper

Episode 7 - Johan Rissik, organizer artfairs

Episode 8 - Sarah de Clercq, arthistorian en managing director Sotheby’s in The Netherlands.

Episode  9 - Jaap Vesteegh, owner Pygmalion

Episode 10 - Paul Hugo ten Hoopen, poet and painter

Episode 11 - Casper Erkelens, observation researcher, professor



Soundcloud, Spotify and Apple Podcasts.