Alexander Ancient Art was established by Egyptologist Alexander Biesbroek. He studied Egyptology at the universities of Utrecht and Leiden (the Netherlands). In 1986 he was offered a (part-time) post at Utrecht University, where he has been doing Egyptological research until 2003, when the whole department was closed, due to a cutback in the university budget.
Alexander has been a collector of ancient art since 1972. In 1986 he also started dealing in antiquities, which led to the establishment of the company in 1991. He has since worked as a consultant for collectors of ancient art worldwide, and has sold objects to many collectors and museums.
Alexander Ancient Art is a member of IADAA (International Association of Dealers in Ancient Art), KVHOK (Royal Association of Fine Art Dealers in The Netherlands), CINOA (Confédération Internationale des Négociants en Oeuvres d'Art) and ADCAEA (Association of Dealers and Collectors of Ancient & Ethnographic Art), and is exhibiting or has exhibited at major art fairs like Brussels Ancient Art Fair, Parcours des Mondes (Paris), Brussels Non-European Art Fair, Olympia Art & Antiques Fair (London), Winter B Sablon (Brussels) and OPUS Ancient Arts (Paris).