Antiquarian books, manuscripts, maps & charts, prints and drawings.
For more than 50 jaar Inter-Antiquariaat and Antiquariaat Pieter Mefferdt have been buying and selling antique books, atlasses, prints and drawings. Until the beginning of the 1990s the trade was mainly between dealers, nowadays we focus on private and institutional collectors.
Since 2002 Inter-Antiquariaat and Antiquariaat Pieter Mefferdt act under one name: Inter-Antiquariaat Mefferdt & De Jonge. In 2004, the company passed on from founder Peter de Jonge to his son Robert-Jan de Jonge. Partner Harry Kenter, owner of Antiquariaat Pieter Mefferdt, retired in 2009.
We sell the most beautiful city plans, maps and sea charts from the 16th to the 19th century. Town views, drawn and/or printed until about 1850, also form an important part of the collection. We love prints and drawings with a story, often pieces of Dutch cultural heritage. In addition, for about 10 years we have been the largest dealer in steel engravings and photogravures by Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema worldwide.
Antiquarian books currently are not a part of our inventory.